Wednesday 15 July 2020


The Chionthar River shines like a golden road stretching from Elturel to Baldur's Gate, and to the sea beyond. The scent of morning dew cuts through the odor of smoke, brimstone, and rot that clings to Elture l's stones. Slowly, the people of the city make their way out from their hiding places to stand in the light of the mortal world once more. 

All eyes focus on Zariel where she stands, sword in hand. The planetar that raised Elturel out of Avernus kneels before her. Lulu nudges Zariel, then gestures toward you with her trunk. Zariel strides toward you, bowing her head in solemn gratitude. 

"This dark chapter has at last come to an end, and it is a brighter end than I ever dared to hope for. Thank you. Your selflessness will live on in my memory forever." "And in mine!" Lulu says, beaming. Zariel's tone turns more somber as she says, "You have made an enemy of Asmodeus this day. We have that in common now. I wish you strength and good fortuneand if ever you have need of my power, hold this feather aloft and invoke my name. I shall come to your aid ." 

With her gift given, Zariel inclines her head, unfurls her wings, and soars into the sky. Lulu turns to wrap you all up in a massive hug with her trunk. When she lets you go, she smiles warmly and says, "We'll see each other again. Someday." The golden mammoth then flaps her wings and soars into the sky. You watch her silhouette dwindle until it is swallowed by sunlight.

Monday 6 July 2020

Session 33

PCs (lvl 13): Lothair, Morazur, Narash, Ozzie, Theridhas

The PCs face Zariel, not with violence, but with words of reconciliation and peace.

The arch-devil batters them with her maul and her hellish powers, but the PCs take all the punishment without attacking in return.

Each of them tries to remind to Zariel what she was. When her sword is offered to her as a final prayer for salvation, Zariel holds the holy artifact in her hand, and accepts goodness in her heart.

With an explosion of light that sends both demons and devils on the run, she sheds the skin of Zariel the devil, and she becomes once more Zariel the Solar. With a sweep of her sword, she destroys the chains that bind Elturel to Hell, allowing Nascius the Planetar to lift the city out of Avernus, and back to Faerun.

Zariel has been redeemed, and Elturel is safe. The PCs are hailed as Heroes, and can finally enjoy a well deserved rest.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Session 32

The Blood War
PCs (lvl 13): Lothair, Morazur, Narash, Ozzie, Theridhas

The party makes its way back to Elturel, which they find besieged by hordes of demons and devils. They fight their way through a few horned devils, and reach the city.

There they talk with Nascius the planetar, who is helping Duke Ravenguard to defend the city. Noticing that Theridhas wields the Sword of Zariel, he suggests that the monk tries to break the chains that hold Elturel, in order to allow Nascius to lift the city out of Hell.

Theridhas flies to the nearest chain, and with a single blow from the angelic sword he cuts one of the colossal chains. While this brings new hope to Elturel, it also attracts the attention of Zariel herself. The arch-devil spots the PCs, and shouts her challenge. As she flies at great speed in their direction, the final battle for the fate of Elturel is about to begin!

Thursday 18 June 2020

Session 31

Zariel vs Yeenoghu
PCs (lvl 12): Lothair, Morazur, Narash, Ozzie, Theridhas

The PCs fight against the demon lord Yeenoghu and its demons. Even though they succeed in defeating its minions, the demon lord itself is way too strong for them, and they start to fall one by one.

By before all is lost, a ray of shining light pierces the clouds, and Zariel the Angel comes flying down, together with her loyal mount, the winged mammoth Lulu. The two angelic figures smite Yeenoghu, and push him back through a portal to Hell.

Zariel thanks the party for their efforts, and blesses them. She listens to what they have to say, carefully considering their words. Then the dreamscape disappears, and the party is once gain in the mausoleum, the Sword of Zariel waiting for them.

The ghost of Yael appears once again, telling them one last sacrifice will be necessary: whomever claims the Sword will forever "lose himself". Theridhas does not hesitate, and moves to touch the sword. Morazur calls for the divine power of Moradin to protect his friend, and it seems the dwarven gods has listened to his prayers.

As Theridhas touches the sword, he's transformed into an angelic version of himself, his eyes shining bright, and pure white feather wings coming out of his shoulders. With the Sword of Zariel in their possession, the party gets ready for the final step of their journey.

Saturday 13 June 2020

Session 30

The Sword of Zariel
PCs (lvl 12): Lothair, Morazur, Narash, Ozzie, Theridhas + special guest Ruthinn

The party enters the mausoleum, where they finally lay their eyes on the Sword of Zariel. Inside the vast chamber, the dwarven cleric Ruthinn awaits them. He was sent by the goddess Sune to lend what aid he could.

When the PCs move to take the sword, a ghost appears. This is Yael, a loyal general in Zariel's army when she was stil lan angel. With the appearance of the ghost, everything changes around the party, and they're transported to some sort of dreamscape.

They find themselves in the town of Idyllglen, under attack by an army of gnolls and demonic creatures. The party defends the town, slaughtering the attackers and their fiendish allies. While they take a short breather, they pray for a blessing at a colossal statue of Zariel. Clearly they're in the past, when Zariel had not yet fallen to darkness. But the fight ins not yet over, as a terrifying howl echoes in the distance: the demon lord Yeenoghu is on its way!

Thursday 11 June 2020

Session 29

The Bleeding Citadel
PCs (lvl 11): Lothair, Ozzie, Theridhas

The party travels to the Bleeding Citadel, led by Lulu, who has recovered most of her lost memories.

They arrive at the alabaster fortress surrounded by a bleeding scab of infernal congealed blood. They find an opening in the disgusting substance, and explore the tunnels surrounding the citadel.

Inside the tunnels they fight several demonic creatures led by a powerful nalfeshnee. The fiends are also looking for a way inside the citadel, but they have been frustrated by a gigantic bronze door that simply won't open for them.

The party kills the demons, and face the bronze door. When the door is touched by a creature of pure heart like Theridhas, it opens and it allows the party to proceed inside the citadel.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Session 28

The Companion unlocked
PCs (lvl 11): Lothair, Narash, Ozzie, Theridhas

The party is at Fort Knucklebone to work on their Infernal machine; they create a a "rocket" that should be able to propel them from the ground to Elturel.

Having completed this project, they travel to Elturel, still under siege from demonic armies. They manage to break through the chaotic legions, and with a carfeul use of magic they create a ramp to direct their jump. The infernal machine flies through the red sky of Avernus, reaching Elturel and destroying itself in the process.

The PCs make their way to the Companion. The sphere is surrounded by an impenetrable curtain of darkness. With the help of his shield, who has the ability to see through any darkness, Narash flies up to the infernal prison, and uses the nine adamantine rods to unlock it. A planetar angel reveals itself, finally free from his metal cage.

Together with the angel, the party returns to the High Hall, where Duke Ravenguard is directing the defense of the city. The situation is deteriorating, as Elturel keeps sinking toward the river Styx. The planetar believes he can "lift" Elturel back to its home plane, but not before the iron chains that keeps it anchored to Avernus are destroyed.

At the same time, probably awakened by the presence of the angel, Lulu recovers all her memories. More and more she believes it is time to retrieve the Sword of Zariel, a blade that will certainly be able to cut the massive chains holding Elturel.