Haruman's Hill |
PCs (lvl 7): Martin, Morazur, Ozzie, Theridhas
Inside Lulu's dreams, the party must face several different dream-scenarios in order to unlock the hollyphant missing memories. During the ordeal, they also manage to look upon Zariel's form before she fell from grace.
When the dream ends, Lulu looks confident enough to guide the party on the next leg of their journey. Mad Maggie, satisfied with the PCs' conduct so far, gives them two infernal vehicles and a few soul coins to get them going.
The party leaves Fort Knucklebone, guided by Lulu's newfound memories. Not far from the fort they're attacked by a band of marauders led by Raggadragga the wereboar. The marauders ride a fearsome Demon Grinder! The PCs face the villains head-on, defeating the creatures and stealing their vehicle.
After a few more hours of travel, the party reaches Haruman's Hill, a desolate place filled with iron trees, upon which the souls of former Hellriders are impaled. The souls are constantly tortured by a flock of stirges sucking their blood, only to deliver it to another lost soul at the top of the hill.