Thursday, 16 April 2020

Session 21

Vengeful Spirits
PCs (lvl 8): Martin, Morazur, Narash, Ozzie, Theridhas

Ozzie and Narash sell their souls to Mahadi. The dragonborn changes shape, becoming more devilish and growing a pair of wings, while the gnome receives a powerful magic staff. They also obtain a reservation for the spa on behalf of Red Ruth.

They return to the hag, who welcomes the news of her appointment with Mahadi. She tells the PCs she will leave for a few hours to enjoy her bath, while they will have to stay in her lair and make sure nothing happens to it.

As expected, something happens during the hag's absence. A pair of vengeful driad spirits attack the lair with the help of an undead tree. The party faces a challenging battle, a fight that Ozzie and Martin do not survive.

When Red Ruth comes back, she hold up her end of the bargain. The PCs had sought her out to free Dao at the Demon Zapper from her deal with Zariel. The hag tells them than in order to end the curse, the Dao will have to drink titan's blood. Conveniently, she also tells them where they can find a titan, though she mentions that "he's not what he was before". Having concluded their bussiness with Red Ruth, the party leaves the Bone Brambles with the corpses of their dead companions.

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