Sunday, 26 April 2020

Session 23

Arkhan the Cruel
PCs (lvl 9): Lothair, Narash, Ozzie, Theridhas

The party approaches the tower, but are met with resistance when a horde of zombies attacks them. They destroy the undead, earning the grudging respect of the tower's guardian, a fearsome white dragon.

The dragon calls for Krull, the tortle priest charged with the creation of the undead. The party explains to Krull that they need to speak with Arkhan, in order to obtain a drop of Tiamat's blood.

Krull does not seem keen in helping the PCs, but when Narash decides to become a follower of Tiamat the tortle agress to accompany them to Arkhan.

He guides them to the Mausoleum of Tiamat, where Arkhan and a few more companions are looking for guidance. The PCs bargain with Arkhan to obtain the relic contaning Tiamat's blood. They eventually agree on an exchange: they will give Arkhan the Orb of Dragonkind iin their posession, in exchange for the relic. Having obtained what they needed, the party gets ready to travel back to Uldrak's Grave.

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