Friday, 13 December 2019

Session 5

Amrik Vanthampur
PCs (lvl 3): Narash, Ozwald, Sylran, Theridhas

The party visits the Low Lantern, a converted ship now serving as a tavern and gambling hall. The PCs attract the attention of the bouncers in the wrong way, and a fight starts. The party has the upper hand, piquing the interested of Skadric Salakar, a corrupt Flaming Fist.

Skadric introduces them to Amrik Vanthampur, a money-lender, and the son of Duke Vanthampur. Amrik is in the company of a burly bodyguard, and a spined devil that he treats as a personal pet.

The PCs try to earn Amrik's trust to better understand his family's involvement in the fate of Elturel, and the man gives them a criminal assignment to prove their worth. The party leaves the Low Lantern still undecided if they will perform the task or not.

Outside of the tavern they meet Reya Mantlemorn, a Hellrider from Elturel hiding in Baldur's Gate. Reya is investigating a rumour that Thavius Kreeg, the high overseer of Elturel, is in the city. Reports say the Kreeg was seen in the company of four guards employed by the Vanthampur family.

Realizing their goals are somewhat aligned, the party forms an alliance with Reya, and together they plot their next move.

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