Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Session 10

Sylvira opens the Infernal Puzzle Box
PCs (lvl 4): Narash, Ozwald, Sylran, Theridhas

The party leaves Baldur's gate, on their way to Candlekeep. They make a short stop at Wyrm's Crossing, where they're targeted by local cutpurses.

Travelling south on the Coast Way, they're approached by a farmer riding a wagon loaded with hay. But the farmer is actually a devilish Cambion, hunting for the Shield of the Hidden Lord (now in Narash's possession). Hiding in the hay are several armed men. The PCs defeat the villains after a dangerous fight, and proceed to Candlekeep.

In the fortress they meet with Sylvira Savikas, the tiefling archmage. She succeeds in opening the puzzle-box, revealing its contents: an infernal pact between the High Overseer of Elturel and the fallen angel Zariel. It looks like Thavius Kreeg has doomed the whole population of Elturel to Hell. The only way to save those innocent souls is to travel to Hell, and find a way to nullify the deal.

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