Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Session 12

The High Hall of Elturel
PCs (lvl 5): Martin, Narash, Ozzy, Sylran, Theridhas

The party arrives at one of the bridges connecting the two floating halves of Elturel. The bridge is guarded by devils. The party destroy the fiends and proceed.

Not long after they meet a vrock demon with an existential crisis. Martin depresses him even further, and persuades him to take a dive into the river Styx.

The PCs come upon a corpse still clutching a silver longsword. When they approach to retrieve the weapon, the cadaver explodes, wounding Ozzy. The eplosion also attracts the attention of a Narzugon devil mounted on a Nightmare. Even though the powerful creature is fully aware of the party's presence, for unknown reasons it decides to leave them alone.

The party finally reaches the High Hall, or in any case what's left of it. They rapidly destroy the two hell hounds guarding the main doors, and make their entrance.

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