Thursday, 20 February 2020

Session 13

PCs (lvl 5): Martin, Morazur, Narash, Ozzy, Theridhas

The party enters the High Hall cathedral, where they fight several bands of devils infesting the defiled temple. They also rescue the dwarf Morazur from his fiendish jailors. The dwarven cleric joins the party in their fight for the salvation of Elturel.

When they manage to access the catacombs of the cathedral, they find more than a hundred refuges hiding in the underground levels. There they speak with one of the surviving priests of Torm, still holding the Creed Resolute, the holy tome containing the Oath of every citizen of Elturel to protect the city with their body and souls.

Narash and Ozzy swear by the Creed Resolute to save the city, binding their fates to that of the city. They're rewarded by a surge of holy power that heals their many wounds, and makes them stronger.

From the gathered refugees the PCs learn that Duke Ravengard has taken a unit of guards to the Cemetery, where he hopes to find a holy artifact to help him in his fight against the devils. With no time to lose, the party gets ready to go to the Cemetery.

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